Doctoral thesis
Australian civilian hospital nurses’ lived experience of an out-of-hospital environment following a disaster
Mass Gathering Health / Mass Gathering Medicine
Various publications and presentations relating to Mass Gathering and Major Event health
08 December, 2020
Rethinking mass gathering domains for understanding patient presentations: A discussion paper
12 November, 2020
Vulnerability: A concept synthesis and its application to the Emergency Department (ED).
Wardrop R, Crilly J, Ranse J, Chaboyer W. (2020). Vulnerability: A concept synthesis and its application to the Emergency Department (ED). International Emergency Nursing.
22 October, 2020
The impact of disasters on emergency department resources: Review against the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction 2015–2030.
Background: Emergency departments (EDs) are often first to feel the intra-hospital effects of disasters. Compromised care standards during disasters eventuate from increased demands on health resources; the facilities, supplies, equipment and manpower imperative for a functioning healthcare facility. Emergency departments must understand the effect of disasters on their health resources. This paper examines the impact on resources within the ED as a result of a disaster and provides a review against the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 priorities.
Method: An integrative literature review design was utilised. Articles were extracted from databases and search engines. The Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis Guidelines for systematic literature reviews were used.
Results: Seven papers met inclusion criteria. Disaster consumable stocking was used to mitigate disaster risk and improve resilience. Logistical challenges were exacerbated by poor building design. Ineffective human resource management, communications failure, insufficient ED space, diminished equipment and supplies and unreliable emergency power sources were described.
Conclusions: Disaster planning and preparedness strategies can address health resource deficits, increasing ED resilience. Further retrospective case studies are required to greater understand the effects of disasters on ED health resources.
20 October, 2020
Disaster evacuation shelters in the context of COVID-19
18 July, 2020
Research in the context of coronavirus disease 2019: Considerations for critical care environments
21 April, 2020
Australian bush fire experience
I was invited by Dr Atilla Hertelendy from Georgetown University to present to the students of the Emergency Management Program. This presentation focused on the history of bush fires in Australia, with a focus on more recent events including:
- 2003 Canberra bush fires
- 2009 Black Saturday and Victorian Bushfire
- 2019 / 2020 Black Summer
Ranse J. (2020). Australian bush fire experience; online presentation [via Zoom] at the Georgetown University, Emergency Management Program, Miami, Florida, United States of America, USA, 21st April.

19 February, 2020
Psychosocial influences on patient presentations: Considerations for research and evaluation at mass-gathering events
Full-text article (PDF)
Aim: This review discusses the need for consistency in mass-gathering research and evaluation from a psychosocial perspective.
Background: Mass gatherings occur frequently throughout the world. Having an understanding of the complexities of mass gatherings is important to determine required health resources. Factors within the environmental, psychosocial, and biomedical domains influence the usage of health services at mass gatherings. A standardized approach to data collection is important to identify a consistent reporting standard for the psychosocial domain.
Method: This research used an integrative literature review design. Manuscripts were collected using keyword searches from databases and journal content pages from 2003 through 2018. Data were analyzed and categorized using the existing minimum data set as a framework.
Results: In total, 31 manuscripts met the inclusion criteria. The main variables identified were use of alcohol or drugs, crowd behavior, crowd mood, rationale, and length of stay.
Conclusion: Upon interrogating the literature, the authors have determined that the variables fall under the categories of alcohol or drugs; maladaptive and adaptive behaviors; crowd behavior, crowd culture, and crowd mood; reason for attending event (motivation); duration; and crowd demographics. In collecting psychosocial data from mass gatherings, an agreed-upon set of variables that can be used to collect de-identified psychosocial variables for the purpose of making comparisons across societies for mass-gathering events (MGEs) would be invaluable to researchers and event clinicians.
Hutton A, Ranse J, Grey K, Turris S, Lund A, Munn BM. (2020). Psychosocial influences on patient presentations: Considerations for research and evaluation at mass-gathering events. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.
30 January, 2020
The impact of mass casualty incidents on intensive care units
Objectives: Mass casualty incidents occur worldwide and have the capacity to overwhelm local healthcare facilities. There has been much research into how these events are managed in the prehospital environment and in the emergency department. However, there is a paucity in research addressing the impact that mass casualty incidents have on adult intensive care units. This review seeks to identify what literature is available that addresses the impact that mass casualty incidents have on intensive care units.
Review method used: Integrative Review Data sources: Electronic databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, PubMed and Scopus.
Review Methods: Electronic databases were searched using terms such as "Intensive Care Unit" OR "Intensive Care" OR "Critical Care" OR "ICU" AND "Mass Casualty Incidents" OR "MCI" OR "Mass Casualty Event" OR "Mass Casualty Management" OR "Disaster". Articles that were published in the preceding 10 years in English as case studies or addressing real world events were included. Editorials, theoretical papers and research involving paediatrics were excluded from the results.
Results: Seven articles met the search criteria. Results identified four key areas in ICU that were impacted by mass casualty incidents. These areas include the impact on facilities, on resources, on staff and of training on the management of mass casualty incidents.
Conclusions: This review has demonstrated a paucity in research and reporting practices on the impact that mass casualty incidents have on intensive care units. The returned articles have identified four areas that were seen as influencing management of real-world mass casualty incidents. By increasing reporting and research into factors that impact mass casualty incident management in intensive care units, policy and training can be enhanced to ensure better preparedness for future incidents.
Sellers D, Ranse J. (2020). The impact of mass casualty incidents on intensive care units. Australian Critical Care.
17 January, 2020
Impact of mass gatherings on ambulance services and emergency departments
In particular, this presentation highlights:
- the host population to event population relationship
- frameworks for understanding the impacts of mass gatherings
- current literature to inform practice
- case studies relating to music festivals, and the 2018 Commonwealth Games
Arbon, P., Bridgewater, F. H., & Smith, C. (2001). Mass gathering medicine: a predictive model for patient presentation and transport rates. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 16(3), 150-158.
Catherine Delany. Master of Emergency Nursing (Dissertation). A retrospective analysis of drug and alcohol-related patient presentations to the Gold Coast Health emergency departments during the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Supervisors: Julia Crilly, Jamie Ranse.
DeMott, J. M., Hebert, C. L., Novak, M., Mahmood, S., & Peksa, G. D. (2018). Characteristics and resource utilization of patients presenting to the ED from mass gathering events. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 36(6), 983-987.
Gold Coast Public Health Unit. (2019). Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Summary Report. Retrieved from:
Hughes, H. E., Colón-González, F. J., Fouillet, A., Elliot, A. J., Caserio-Schonemann, C., Hughes, T. C., ... & Lake, I. R. (2018). The influence of a major sporting event upon emergency department attendances; A retrospective cross-national European study. PloS one, 13(6), e0198665.
Lund A, Turris S, Bowles R, Steenkamp M, Hutton A, Ranse J, Arbon P. (2014). Mass gathering health research foundational theory: Part 1 Population models for mass gatherings. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 29(6):648-654.
Ranse, J., Hutton, A., Keene, T., Lenson, S., Luther, M., Bost, N., ... & Hayes, C. (2017). Health service impact from mass gatherings: a systematic literature review. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 32(1), 71-77.
Ranse, J., Lenson, S., Keene, T., Luther, M., Burke, B., Hutton, A., ... & Crilly, J. (2019). Impacts on in‐event, ambulance and emergency department services from patients presenting from a mass gathering event: A retrospective analysis. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 31(3), 423-428.
Ruest, S. M., Stephan, A. M., Masiakos, P. T., Biddinger, P. D., Camargo, C. A., & Kharasch, S. (2018). Substance use patterns and in-hospital care of adolescents and young adults attending music concerts. Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, 13(1), 1.
Shirley (Yunjing) Qiu. Bachelor of Nursing (Honours), First Class. A retrospective cohort study evaluating the impact of a mass gathering (the 2018 Commonwealth Games) on emergency department presentations with communicable diseases. Supervisors: Julia Crilly, Jamie Ranse, Peta-Anne Zimmerman
Turris S, Lund A, Hutton A, Bowles R, Ellerson E, Steenkamp M, Ranse J, Arbon P. (2014). Mass gathering health research foundational theory: Part 2 Event modelling for mass gatherings. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 29(6):655-663
Reference from this presentation: Ranse J. (2020). Impact of mass gatherings on ambulance services and emergency departments; invited speaker for Qatar Health 2020, Doha, Qatar, 17th January.
08 January, 2020
Using clinical based vignettes to further develop a mass-gathering triage tool
Full-text paper (PDF)
Background: Previously published triage tools for use at mass gathering events (MGE) lack real-world validation. Non-health care professionals, such as first aiders, first responders, and advanced responders often undertake a triage role at MGEs. This research aimed to determine consistency in the decision-making of a MGE triage tool.
Method: Volunteer members of St John Ambulance Australia were recruited. Surveys included participant demographics and real-world clinical vignettes. Participants determined a triage category based on the vignettes and supplied triage tool. Demographics were analysed using descriptive statistics and responses to vignettes were analysed using Fleiss Kappa [p-bar].
Results: There were 110 participants, the majority male (60%), having completed a Bachelor or higher degree (53.6%), and were non-health care professionals (70%). Of the vignettes, there was a slightly better than moderate agreement (items: 18, p-bar: 0.55). There was an excellent level of agreeance for the resuscitation category (items: 3, b-par 0.69), and moderate level of agreeance for the urgent (items: 10, b-par 0.52) and minor (items: 5, b-par 0.52) categories.
Conclusions: This research demonstrated similar findings to that of emergency department triage tool validation. Multi-country, multi-site, multi-type, real-world testing at MGEs is the next step to progress the development of this tool.
Ranse J, Cannon M, Roitman R, Morphet J. (2020) Using clinical based vignettes to further develop a mass-gathering triage tool. Australasian Journal of Emergency Care.