
To view a brief synopsis of these publications, click here.

Book chapters

5. Mateer J, Cusack L, Ranse J. (2015). Chapter 28: Pandemics and environmental emergencies in Curtis K, Ramsden C (eds). Emergency and trauma care: For nurses and paramedics 2nd ed. Elsevier Australia.

4. Taylor J, Ranse J. (2014). Chapter 10: Data Collection: Quantitative Research in Jirojwong S, Johnson M, Welch A (eds). Understanding Nursing Research: Methods for Evidence-Based Practice 2nd ed. Oxford University Press.

3. Mateer J, Cusack L, Ranse J. (2011) Chapter 28: Pandemics and Environmental Emergencies in Curtis K, Ramsden C, Lord B (eds). Emergency and Trauma Care: for nurses and paramedics. Elsevier Australia. Pp:673-694.

2. Taylor J, Ranse J. (2011). Chapter 10: Data Collection: Quantitative Research in Jirojwong S, Johnson M, Welch A (eds). Research Methods in Nursing and Midwifery: Pathways to Evidence-Based Practice. Oxford University Press

1. Ranse J, Zeitz K. Chapter 5: Disaster Triage in Power R, Daily E (eds) (2010). International Disaster Nursing. World Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine with Cambridge Press. pp:57-79.


Mohtady Ali H, Ranse J, Roiko A, Desha C. Investigating organisational learning and adaptations for improved disaster response, towards ‘resilient hospitals’: An integrative literature review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

Skinner R, Luther M, Hertelendy A, Sørensen J, Khorram-Manesh A, Goniewicz K, Ranse J. A literature review on the impact of wildfires on emergency departments: Enhancing disaster preparedness. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

90. Sweeny A, Keijzers G, Marshall A, Hall E, Ranse J, Zhang P, Grant G, Huang YL, Palipana D, Teng YD, Gerhardy B, Greenslade J, Jones P, Crilly J. (2022). Emergency department presentations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Queensland (to June 2021): Interrupted time series analysis. Medical Journal of Australia. 

89. Coco A, Patel B, Jensen M, Ranse J. (2022). The Expression of Ethical Principles in Australia's Disaster Plans. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 34(6):989-994. 

88. Brewer C, Hutton A, Hammad K, Ranse J. (2022). Experiences of rural and remote nurses during and following disasters: a scoping review. Rural and Remote Health. 22(4), 7230-7230. 

85. Mohtady, Ali H, Ranse J, Roiko A, Desha C. (2022). Healthcare Workers’ resilience toolkit for disaster management and climate change adaptation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

84. Wake E, Ranse J, Marshall A. (2022). A Scoping review of the literature to ascertain how follow up care is provided to major trauma patients post discharge from acute care. BMJ Open. 12(9):1-9. 

83. Sørensen J, Ranse J, Gray L, Khorram-Manesh A, Goniewicz K, Hertelendy A. (2022). Employees perception of organizational crises and their reactions: A Norwegian organizational case study. Frontiers in Psychology. 3923 

82. Wardrop R, Ranse J, Chaboyer W, Crilly J. (2022). Predictors of Emergency Department service outcome for people with a mental health problem brought in by police: A retrospective cohort study. International Emergency Nursing. 63: 101188 

81. Hertelendy A, Chekijian S, Nazarian V, Hart A, Ranse J, Weinstein E, Ciottone G. (2022). Crisis leadership: A case for inclusion in accredited Master of Public Health program curricula. Public Health. 209:14-18. 

80. Mackie B, Weber S, Mitchell M, Crilly J, Wilson B, Handy M, Wullschleger M, Sharpe J, McCaffery K, Lister P, Boyd M, Watkins N, Ranse J. (2022). Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear response in Queensland emergency services: A multisite study. Health Security. 20(3)

79. Evison H, Carrington M, Keijzers G, Marsh N, Sweeny A, Byrnes J, Rickard C, Carr P, Ranse J. (2022). Peripheral intravenous cannulation decision-making in emergency settings: A qualitative descriptive study. BMJ Open.

77. Ituma W, Ranse J, Bail K, Hutton A. (2022). Disaster education for Australian nursing students: An integrative review of published literature to inform curriculaCollegian. 29(1):93-99.

76. Ranse J, Luther M, Hertelendy A, Skinner R. (2022). Impact of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) smoke during the 2019 / 2020 Australian bushfire disaster on emergency department patient presentations. The Journal of Climate Change and Health. (6):1-6.

75. Wardrop R, Ranse J, Chaboyer W, Crilly J. (2022). The profile and outcomes of emergency department presentations based on mode of arrival: A state-wide retrospective cohort study. Emergency Medicine Australasia.
74. Sellers D, Crilly J, Ranse J. (2022). Disaster preparedness: A concept analysis and its application to the intensive care unitAustralian Critical Care. 35(2):204-209.

73. Ranse J, Beckwith D, Khan A, Yezli S, Hertelendy A, Hutton A, Zimmerman PA. (2021). Novel respiratory viruses in the context of mass gathering events: A systematic review to inform event planning from a health perspective. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 36(5):599-610.

72. Hutton A, Munn MB, White S, Kara P, Ranse J. (2021). Does the presence of on-site medical services at outdoor music festivals affect attendees’ planned alcohol and recreational drug use? Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 36(4):403-407.

71. Wardrop R, Chaboyer W, Ranse J, Crilly J. (2021). Structures, processes and outcomes of health care for people detained in short-term police custody settings: A scoping review. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine.

70. Evison H, Sweeny A, Ranse J, Carrington M, Marsh N, Byrnes J, Rickard CM, Carr P, Keijzers G. (2021). Idle peripheral intravenous cannulation: An observational cohort study of pre-hospital and emergency department practices. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 29(126):1-13.

69. Ali HM, Desha C, Ranse J, Roiko A. (2021). Planning and assessment approaches towards disaster resilient hospitals: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

68. Khan A, Sabbagh A, Ranse J, Molloy M, Ciottone G. (2021). Mass Gathering Medicine in Soccer Leagues: A Review and Creation of the SALEM Tool. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(19):1-12.

67. Misztal-Okońska P, Goniewicz K, Goniewicz M, Ranse J, Hertelendy A, Gray L, Carlstrom E, Sorensen JL, Khorram-Manesh A. (2021). Importance of immediate electronic-based feedback to enhance feedback for first-time CPR trainees. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(8):3885-3842.

66. Delany C, Crilly J, Ranse J. (2021). Drug and alcohol-related emergency department patient presentations during the 2018 Commonwealth Games: A multi-site retrospective analysis. Emergency Medicine Australasia.

65. Lund A, Turris S, Rabb H, Munn MB, Chasmar E, Ranse J, Hutton A. (2021). Measuring the masses: mass gathering medical case reporting, conceptual modelling – The DREAM model (Paper 5). Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

64. Turris S, Rabb H, Chasmar E, Munn MB, Callaghan CW, Hutton A, Ranse J, Lund A. (2021). Measuring the masses series: A proposed template for post-event medical reporting (Paper 4)Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

63. Turris S, Lund A, Munn MB, Chasmar E, Rabb H, Callaghan CW, Ranse J, Hutton A. (2021). Measuring the masses series: Domains driving data collection and analysis for the health outcomes of mass gatherings (Paper 3)Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

62. Turris S, Rabb H, Chasmar E, Callaghan CW, Ranse J, Lund A. (2021). Measuring the masses: Understanding health outcomes arising from mass gatherings, reporting gaps and recommendations (Paper 2)Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

61. Turris S, Rabb H, Munn MB, Chasmar E, Callaghan CW, Ranse J, Lund A. (2021). Measuring the masses: The current state of mass gathering medical case reporting (Paper 1)Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

60. Wardrop R, Crilly J, Ranse J, Chaboyer W. (2021). Vulnerability: A concept synthesis and its application to the Emergency Department (ED). International Emergency Nursing.

59. Hutton A, Ranse J, Zimmerman P. (2020). Rethinking mass gathering domains for understanding patient presentations: A discussion paper. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

58. Carrington M, Hammad K, Ranse J. The impact of disasters on emergency department resources: Review against the Sendai Framework for disaster risk reduction 2015–2030. Australasian Emergency Care.

57. Delany C, Crilly J, Ranse J. (2020). Drug and alcohol related patient presentations to emergency departments during sporting mass gathering events: an integrative review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 35(3):298-304

56. Qiu Y, Crilly J, Zimmerman P, Ranse J. (2020). A retrospective cohort study evaluating the impact of a mass gathering (the 2018 Commonwealth Games) on emergency department presentations with communicable diseases. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 93:305-310.

55. Ranse J, Arbon P, Cusack L, Shaban R, Nichols D. (2020). Obtaining individual narratives and moving to an intersubjective lived-experience description: A way of doing phenomenology with nurses following a disaster. Qualitative Research. 20(6):945-959.

54. Qiu Y, Crilly J, Zimmerman P, Ranse J. (2020). The impact of mass gatherings on emergency department patient presentations with communicable diseases related to syndromic indicators: An integrative review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 35(2), 206-211.

53. Hutton A, Ranse J, Grey K, Turris S, Lund A, Munn BM. (2020). Psychosocial influences on patient presentations: Considerations for research and evaluation at mass-gathering events. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 35(2):197-205

52. Sellers D, Ranse J. (2020). The impact of mass casualty incidents on intensive care units. Australian Critical Care.

51. Ranse J, Cannon M, Roitman R, Morphet J. (2020) Using clinical based vignettes to further develop a mass-gathering triage tool. Australasian Journal of Emergency Care.

50. Crilly J, Ranse J, Bost N, Donnelly T, Timms J, Gilmour K, Aitken M, Johnston A. (2020). Emergency health care delivery for young adults during a planned mass gathering: A retrospective observational study. Emergency Medicine Australasia.

49. Hooper C, Ranse J, Hutton A. (2019). How is ambulance patient care and response time data collected and reported in Malaysia and Indonesia? Australasian Journal of Paramedicine. 16(1): 898-906.

48. Hutton A, Ranse J, Grey K, Turris S, Lund A, Munn BM. (2019). Environmental influences on patient presentations: Considerations for research and evaluation at mass-gathering events. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

47. Hutton A, Ranse J, Lipscomb R, Hutton G, Rabb H, Crilly J. (2019). Frequency and location of mass gathering events in relation to emergency departments: A descriptive study. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine.

46. Ranse K, Delaney L, Ranse J, Coyer F, Yates P. End-of-life care content in postgraduate critical care nursing programs: Structured telephone interviews to evaluate content informing practice. Australian Critical Care.

45. Hindriyastuti S, Kako M, Ranse J, Hutton A. (2019). Nursing students’ role and experiences of disasters in a nursing school. Padjadjaran Nursing Journal (Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran). 7(1): 38-48.

44. Johnston A, Wadham J, Polong-Brown J, Aitken M, Ranse J, Hutton A, Richards B, Crilly J. (2019). Health care provision during a sporting mass gathering: A structure and process description of on-site care delivery. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

43. Ranse J, Lenson S, Keene T, Luther M, Burke B, Hutton A, Johnston A, Crilly J. (2018). Impacts on in-event, ambulance and emergency department services from patients presenting from a mass gathering event: A retrospective analysis. Emergency Medicine Australasia.

42. Bulloack M, Ranse J, Hutton A. (2018). Impact of patients presenting with alcohol and/or drug intoxication on in-event health care services at mass-gathering events: An integrative literature review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

41. Hammad K, Wake M, Zampatti C, Neumann S, Ranse J. (2018). Working in the dark – the impact of a state-wide black systems event on emergency departments: A case study from clinician perspectives. Collegian.

40. Ranse K, Ranse J, Pelkowitz M. (2018). Third-year nursing students’ lived experience of caring for the dying: a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Contemporary Nurse.

39. Hutton A, Ranse J, Munn B. (2018). Developing public health initiatives through understanding motivations of the audience at mass gathering events. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

38. Ranse J, Hutton A, Keene T, Lenson S, Luther M, Bost N, Johnston A, Crilly J, Cannon M, Jones N, Hayes C, Burke B. (2017) Health service impact from mass-gatherings: A systematic literature review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 32(1):

37. Cannon M, Roitman R, Ranse J, Morphet J. (2017) Development of a mass-gathering triage tool: An Australian perspective. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 32(1).

36. Steenkamp M, Hutton A, Ranse J, Arbon P, Lund A, Turris S, Bowles R. (2016). Exploring international views on key concepts for mass gathering health through a Delphi process. Prehospital Disaster Medicine.

35. Turris S, Steenkamp M, Lund A, Hutton A, Ranse J, Bowles R, Aruthnott K, Anikeeva O, Arbon P. (2016). International consensus on key concepts and data definitions for mass gathering health: Process and progress. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 31(2):1-4.

34. Ranse J, Luther M, Ranse K. (2015). Impact of a pilot pathway for the management of gastroenteritis-like symptoms in an emergency department: A case study following a Salmonella outbreak. Emergency Medicine Australasia.

33. Ranse J, Hutton A, Wilson R, Usher K. (2015). Leadership opportunities for Mental Health Nurses in the field of disaster preparation, response and recovery. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 36(5):391-394.

32. Hutton A, Savage C, Ranse J, Finnell D, Kub J. (2015). The use of Haddon’s matrix to plan for injury and illness prevention at Outdoor Music Festivals. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine.

31. Lund A, Turris S, Bowles R, Steenkamp M, Hutton A, Ranse J, Arbon P. (2014). Mass gathering health research foundational theory: Part 1 Population models for mass gatherings. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 29(6):648-654.

30. Turris S, Lund A, Hutton A, Bowles R, Ellerson E, Steenkamp M, Ranse J, Arbon P. (2014). Mass gathering health research foundational theory: Part 2 Event modelling for mass gatherings. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 29(6):655-663.

29. Ranse J, Hutton A, Jeeawody B, Wilson R. What are the research needs for the field of disaster nursing in the next five years? An international Delphi study. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 29(5):1-7.

28. Lenson S, Ranse J, Cusack L. (2014). National consistency in industrial awards for disaster release for Australian nurses: An integrative review of enterprise arrangements. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. 9(2):53-58.

27. Ranse J, Hutton A, Turris S, Lund A. (2014). Enhancing the minimum data set for mass gathering research and evaluation: An integrative literature review. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 29(3):1-10.

26. Moutia D, Ranse J, Banu-Lawrence H. (2014). Operational aspects of health delivery at World Youth Day 2008: Lessons learnt by an emergency management organisation. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine. 11(3):1-9

25. Kako M, Ranse J, Yamamoto A, Arbon P. (2014). What was the role of nurses during the 2011 Great East Earthquake of Japan? An integrative review of the Japanese literature. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 29(3):1-5.

24. Wilson RL, Ranse J, Cashin A, McNamara P. (2014). Nurses and Twitter: The good, the bad, and the reluctant. Collegian. 21(2):111-119.

23. Hutton A, Ranse J, Arbon P, Verdonk N. (2014). Understanding the characteristics of patient presentations of young people at outdoor music festivals. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 29(2):1-7

22. Ranse J, Hammad K, Ranse K. (2013). Future considerations for Australian nurses and their disaster educational preparedness: a discussion. Australian Journal of Emergency Management. 28(4):49-53.

21. Filmer L, Ranse J. (2013) Who is my leader? Lessons from a hospital disaster drill in a less developed country. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 16(4)170-174.

20. Taylor N, Ranse J. (2013). Epidemiology of injuries at the Australian 24 hour mountain bike championships. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine. 10(1)a4:1-5

19. Arbon P, Cusack, L, Ranse J, Shaban R, Considine J, Kako M, Woodman R, Mitchell B, Bahnisch L, Hammad K. (2013). Exploring staff willingness to attend work during a disaster: a study of nurses employed in four Australian emergency departments. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal.16(3):103-109 doi:10.1016/j.aenj.2013.05.004

18. Ranse J, Shaban R, Considine J, Hammad K, Arbon P, Mitchell B, Lenson S. (2013). Disaster content in Australian tertiary postgraduate emergency nursing courses: A survey. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 16(2):58-63. doi:10.1016/j.aenj.2013.04.002

17. Arbon P, Ranse J, Cusack L, Considine J, Shaban R, Woodman R, Bahnisch L, Kako M, Hammad K, Mitchell B. (2013). Australasian emergency nurses’ willingness to attend work in a disaster: A survey. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 16(2):52-57. doi:10.1016/j.aenj.2013.05.004

16. Bail K, Ranse J, Clarke R, Rattray B. (2013). Open access to nursing journals: an audit of the 2010 ERA journal list. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 30(4):5-11

15. Rattray B, Cooke J, Bail K, Ranse J. (2013). A Comparison of open access in exercise science journals: 2010 to 2012. The Open Sports Science Journal. 6:1-7. [available free in full-text].

14. Ranse J, Hutton A. (2012). Minimum data set for mass gathering health research and evaluation: A discussion paper. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 27(6):1-8. doi:10.1017/S1049023X12001288

13. Ranse J, Lenson S. (2012). Beyond a clinical role: Nurses were psychosocial supporters, coordinators and problem solvers in the Black Saturday and Victorian bushfires in 2009. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 15(3):156-163. doi:10.1016/j.aenj.2012.05.001

12. Ranse J, Lenson S, Aimers B. (2010). Black Saturday and the Victorian Bushfires of February 2009: A descriptive survey of nurses who assisted in the pre-hospital setting. Collegian. 17(4):153-159

11. Cusack L, Arbon P, Ranse J. (2010). What is the role of nursing students and of nursing during disasters and emergencies? A discussion paper. Collegian. 17(4):193-197

10. Ranse J, Zeitz K (2010). The chain of survival at mass gatherings: A case series of resuscitation events. Prehospital Disaster Medicine. 25(5):465-471.

9. Ranse J, Lenson S, Luther M, Xiao L (2010). H1N1 2009 Influenza (Human Swine Influenza): A descriptive study of the response of an influenza assessment clinic collaborating with an emergency department in Australia. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 13(3):46-52.

8. Ranse J, Carter S (2010). Engaging volunteers in an emergency management organisation. Australian Journal of Emergency Management. 25(1):36-41. [available free in full-text].

7. Ranse J, Luther M, Sargent L (2009). R-on-T resulting in ventricular fibrillation post elective cardioversion: A case study. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 12(3):120-122.

6. Ranse J, Hayes C (2009). A novice’s guide to preparing and presenting an oral presentation at a Scientific Conference. Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care. 7(1):1-8. [available free in full-text].

5. Ranse J, Arbon P (2008). Graduate nurses’ lived experience of in-hospital resuscitation – a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. Australian Critical Care. 21(1):38-47.

4. Arbon P, Zeitz K, Ranse J, Wren H, Driscoll K, Elliott R (2008). The reality of multiple casualty triage: putting triage theory into practice at the scene of multiple casualty vehicular accidents. Emergency Medicine Journal. 25(4):230-234.

3. Ranse J, Aitken C (2008). Preparing and presenting a successful poster at a scientific conference. Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care. 6(1):9p. [available free in full-text].

2. Ranse J, Burke B (2006). Exploring the volunteer first aiders’ experience post-resuscitation. Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care. 4(3):10p. [available free in full-text].

1. Ranse J (2006). Cardiac arrest: can the in-hospital chain of survival be improved? Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 9(1):23-27.


14. Ranse J. (2015). A stethoscope, a patient and me. Journal of Advanced Nursing Interactive. []

13. Crilly J, Ranse J, Bost N, Donnelly T, Timms J, Gilmour K, Aitken M, Johnston A. (2019). Emergency health care delivery for young adults during a planned mass gathering: A retrospective observational study. Emergency Medicine Australasia.

12. Hooper C, Ranse J, Hutton A. (2019). How is ambulance patient care and response time data collected and reported in Malaysia and Indonesia? Australasian Journal of Paramedicine. 16(1): 898-906.

11. Hutton A, Ranse J, Grey K, Turris S, Lund A, Munn BM. (2019). Environmental influences on patient presentations: Considerations for research and evaluation at mass-gathering events. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 34(5): 552-556.

10. Ranse J. (2013). The role of Australian nurses in disasters: what ‘group’ of nurses should assist? The Hive [Australian College of Nursing – newsletter publication]. (4):24-25

9. Ranse J, Hutton A. (2013). Minimum data set for mass-gatherings health research and evaluation: The beginning of an international dialogue. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. [author reply]. 28(2):3

8. Ranse J, Cusack L. (2010) Changes to Australian nursing and midwifery registration: implications for interstate disaster response. Collegian. [editorial]. 17(4):207-208

7. Ranse J. (2010). A cultural perspective in the health response to an offshore disaster. Connections [Royal College of Nursing, Australia – newsletter publication]. 13(3):42-43

6. Cusack L, Arbon P, Ranse J (2010). Pre-hospital clinical management of heat stress. Australian Nursing Journal. 17(8):30-33.

5. Lenson S, Luther M, Ranse J (2009). Influenza pathology screening: flocked swabbing. Nursing Review [Royal College of Nursing, Australia – newsletter publication]. August:12-13.

4. Lenson S, Ranse J, Smith J (2009). A process of care for new nurses in the Emergency Department. Connections [Royal College of Nursing, Australia – newsletter publication]. 12(1):16

3. Ranse J (2009). A nurses guide to presenting and publishing: dare to share, by Heinrich K. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal [book review]. 12(1):23.

2. Ranse J (2008). Public health care emergencies: the role of nurses volunteering. Connections [Royal College of Nursing, Australia – newsletter publication]. 11(2):15-16.

1. Ranse J (2007). Future directions, future challenges … beyond tomorrow. 6th International Conference for Emergency Nurses. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 11-13 October 2007. Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care [conference report]. 5(4):2p. [available free in full-text].


22. Hutton A, Ranse J, Arbon P. (2013). The characteristics of patient presentations from Australian outdoor music festivals. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 28(s1); s15-16

21. Ranse J, Lenson S. (2013). Disaster and emergency medicine on-line research repository: A Retrospective Review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 28(s1); s69

20. Ranse J, Hutton A. (2013). Biomedical data collection for mass gathering research and evaluation: A review of the literature. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 28(s1); s72

19. Lund A, Turris S, Bowles R, Gutman S, Hutton A, Ranse J, Arbon P. (2013). Progressing Towards an International Consensus on Data Modeling for Mass Gathering and Mass Participation Events. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 28(s1); s113-114

18. Lenson S, Ranse J. (2013). Industrial Considerations for Australian Nurses Responding to Disaster. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 28(s1); s155.

17. Arbon P*, Cusack L, Ranse J, Shaban R, Considine J, Mitchell B, et. al., To work or not to work: An analysis of the willingness of Australian emergency nurses to respond to a disaster. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 14(S1); S31

16. Lenson S*, Ranse J. Exploring the role of nurses during the ‘Black Saturday’ and Victorian bushfires of 2009 in Australia. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 14(S1); S16

15. Lenson S*, Ranse J, Cusack L. Industrial considerations for nurses responding to disasters. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 14(S1); S28

14. Ranse J, Arbon P, Cusack L, Shaban R, Considine J, Mitchell B, Woodman R, Hammad K, Kako M, Bahnisch L (2011). Understanding the willingness of Australian emergency nurses to respond to a health care disaster. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 26(s1):s159.

13. Ranse J, Lenson S. (2011). Role, resources, and clinical and educational backgrounds of nurses who participated in the 2009 Bushfires in Victoria, Australia. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 26(s1):s33-s34

12. Ranse J, Arbon P, Shaban R, Considine J, Mitchell B, Lenson S. (2011). Disaster content varies in Australian postgraduate tertiary emergency nursing courses: implications for educational preparedness. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 26(s1):s15.

11. Ranse J, Arbon P, Shaban R, Considine J, Mitchell B, Lenson S (2010). Exploring the disaster content in Australian postgraduate emergency nursing programs. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal [abstract – paper presentation]. 13(4):158.

10. Ranse J, Arbon P, Shaban R, Considine J, Mitchell B, Hammad K, Cusack L, Kako M, Bahnisch L (2010). Understanding the willingness of Australian emergency nurses to respond to a health care disaster. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal [abstract – paper presentation] 13(4):138.

9. Ranse J, Lenson S, Luther M, Xaio L. (2010). H1N1 2009 influenza (human swine influenza): A descriptive study of the response of an influenza assessment clinic collaborating with an emergency department in Australia. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal [abstract – paper presentation] 13(4):159-160.

8. Ranse J, Arbon P, Kako M. (2009). Evaluating the influential factors in mass-gathering casualty presentations - World Youth Day, Sydney, Australia 2008. Journal of Emergency Nursing Australasia [abstract – paper presentation]. 12(4):150.

7. Ranse J, Aimers B, Lenson S. (2009). The pre-hospital role of nurses during the Victorian Bushfires. Journal of Emergency Nursing Australasia [abstract – paper presentation]. 2009:12(4):151.

6. Arbon P, Ranse J (2009). Evaluating the influential factors in mass-gathering casualty presentations - World Youth Day, Sydney, Australia 2008. Pre-hospital and Disaster Medicine [abstract – paper presentation]. 24(2):s36-s37. [available free in full-text].

5. Bailey A, Leditschke A, Ranse J, Grove K (2008). Impact of a pandemic triage tool on intensive care admissions [abstract – poster presentation]. Critical Care. 12(s2):P349.

4. Ranse J (2008). Medical emergency teams: graduate nurses interactions, attitudes and perceptions during resuscitation events in the non-critical care environment [abstract – paper presentation]. Australian Critical Care. 21(1):54.

3. Arbon P, Zeitz K, Ranse J, Wren H, Driscoll K, Elliott R (2007). The realities of multiple casualty triage. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal [abstract – paper presentation]. 10(4):210.

2. Ranse J (2007). Graduate nurses’ lived experience of in-hospital resuscitation – a hermeneutic phenomenological approach [abstract – poster presentation]. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 10(4):224-225.

1. Ranse J, Arbon P, Zeitz K, Wren H, Driscoll K, Elliott R (2007). Putting triage theory into practice at the scene of multiple casualty vehicular accidents: the reality of multiple casualty triage [abstract – paper presentation]. Journal of Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 22(2):s71. [available free in full-text].


3. Arbon P, Cusack L, Ranse J, Shaban R, Considine J, Mitchell B, et al. (2011). Understanding the willingness of Australian emergency nurses to respond to a disaster. Adelaide: Flinders University.

2. Ranse J. In-hospital resuscitation: graduate nurses’ lived experience in the non-critical care environment – a hermeneutic phenomenological approach [thesis] (2006). University of Canberra. [available free in full-text].

1. Arbon P, Zeitz K, Ranse J, Wren H, Driscoll K, Elliott R. Putting triage theory into practice at the scene of multiple casualty vehicular accidents: the reality of multiple casualty triage. [research report - available free in full-text].

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